Yesterday marked my 6th day on this light polyphasic sleep routine and I experienced (or more appropriately, remembered) a dream during my morning nap! I sleep from 10:30 - 4:30 and take two naps at 7:40am and 12:00pm respectively. Although they are a bit scrunched together relative to the rest of the day, they get me through work, which is exactly their purpose. I don't think the adaption period would have the thrill and luster if I got fired in the process! Anyhow, the dream during my 7:40 nap involved some kind of conversations. I can't remember with whom, or what they were about, but I do recall being in some kind of discussion. The lack of remembrance is likely due to waking up before my alarm went off and falling back asleep again for those few remaining precious minutes. I've had no problem waking up to my alarm (after 10+ years tethered to the device, I am well conditioned for that), so I have no worries about dozing back off if the alarm hasn't sounded.
As for how I feel? Well, I think the problems I mentioned before with short-term memory are ebbing. Actually, while listening to the radio in the car (Alt Nation via Sirius Radio ftw!) I actually was able to memorize not 1, but 2 bands to look up when I got home. Generally, if I hear a song I like on the radio, I make a futile effort to make a mental note so I can look it up when I reach a PC. Usually this ends in failure - I forget the band / song well before I can look it up or write it down. With this in consideration, I'm quite pleased I could remember everything! I'm also doing well on the vocab words for my GRE prep, and on that note, I just need to be a bit more disciplined and review them more often. I don't care how much you sleep, 25 words each day 7 days a week is a lot if you're not used to it.
Also, I'm gradually feeling better. My work environment is incredibly un-stimulating, so the naps are clutch in helping me get through the day... even on 8 hr monophasic sleep I was getting pretty drowsy at certain points throughout the day. However, on this polyphasic routine, I notice that there are times where I'm experiencing this bizarre mixture of fatigue and alertness. It's hard to explain - like I'm tired, but I'm not. Think of feeling like you want to go to sleep (but not too badly), but if you did, you'd never fall asleep. During these instances, which are decreasing in frequency after each day, it feels like I'm on the precipice between sleep and awake, but am not definitively in either zone. Using one of my vocab words, it's like I'm at a penumbra of sorts between sleep and alertness. But like I said, this sensation isn't felt terribly often, and is decreasing in frequency as the days pass.
One other thing I wanted to add is that I've begun a new exercise regimen. I have a history of sports, but I've just been lazy / busy and haven't committed the time to work out regularly for a while. Three days ago I ran myself ragged playing ultimate frisbee and two days ago I went back to the gym and did some light weight work (bench press, squats, pull ups, etc). Honestly, I was a stiff as a board yesterday, which is why I didn't go running after work, but I feel much better today. So for those who are concerned about staying in shape while you modify your sleep routine, it is possible. I'm going to do some running on the treadmill later today, but I might go outside if it's nice out after phone banking after work. With the odd ebbs and flows of energy, exercising seems a bit questionable, but let me tell you, after running / lifting (again, nothing crazy, but just enough to wear you out), you sleep like a baby during the core sleep that night. I've been waking up and noticing that there is hardly a wrinkle in my sheets - indicating that I probably didn't toss and turn at all that night! Nothing beats a night of sleep like an undisturbed night of sleep!
Lastly, TGIF. This weekend is going to be a fun one, between the fireman's fair where my Grandma lives, canvassing for my Congressman, selling some scout popcorn, and the ice cream social on Sunday!
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